
Thank you for your Generosity and Support

Camp Project Wales is managed, run and staffed by an incredible team of over 60 unpaid volunteers. We are always looking to add new members to our volunteer teams, whether that be to join the Charity Management Team who provide expertise and organisational support throughout the year, the fundraising team who ensure we cover the £20,000 – £25,000 costs of the Summer Camp each year, or our fantastic group of 70 Summer Camp volunteers who staff the children’s holidays every summer. Without our amazing team of volunteers, there would be no Camp Project Wales, thank you to every one of you for your enormous generosity and support.

Please click on any of the below links to find out more about the wide range of volunteer, fundraising and Trustee opportunities available to support the incredible work our organisation provides to deserving young children every year…

• Summer Camp Volunteers
• Fundraising
• Equipment
• Trustees / Management
• Corporate Support


Click the link above to visit our ‘EasyFundraising’ page and support Camp Project Wales. We are a small local charity which provides an annual action and adventure holiday under canvas for a large group of students from the Halton Borough.

For further information on Camp Project Wales, supporting our fundraising efforts, or perhaps even become a volunteer on one of our holidays, please get in touch! You can call us on 01928 770474, email us at or use the form below.

Thank you all for your fantastic and generous support!

Simon Warman
Chair of Camp Project Wales