Kids Zone

Welcome to the Kids Zone?

This page is just for kids: NO BORING ADULTS ALLOWED! This bit of the website is just for kids who are coming to camp this year, and all the kids who have been away with Camp Project Wales before! Will there be homework? Can I play football all day? Do I have to wear clean pants and brush my teeth? (No, Maybe, Yes and Yes).


This is probably the only time you’ll come to camp, and it might be your first time ever camping or being away from your family for a little while… so it’s TOTALLY normal if you’re feeling both excited and a little bit nervous right now!

Everyone feels a little bit unsure before they leave on an adventure and that’s why we’re here – to answer all of your questions and hopefully reassure you that camp is a really friendly place, and you’re going to have an AWESOME time whilst you’re away…

What activities will there be at camp?

Anglesey Outdoor – can you guess what he teaches? That’s right, football. Jokes, he’s our canoe instructor. He’s a good laugh and he’ll make sure you’re safe and living your best life on the water in your super stylish wetsuit

Newborough Warren – with dens to build in the woods and a gorgeous beach to explore this place is a little bit magical

Beaumaris – a rib boat tour (which is like a big inflatable, fast enough to feel the wind in your hair boat ride), crabbing off the pier, exploring the castle and eating fish and chips by the sea… this is one of the fave days out


Life boat tours – a look around a real lifeboat that the coast guard use and a talk about the work they do. The guys doing the talk are a good laugh and the boat makes you feel like you should be on baywatch (Wales edition)

...and More!

Alongside a trip every day there’s heaps of other stuff going on in camp too. Some of the things we’ve done in the past include:

  • Neon T-shirt making
  • Water bomb workshop
  • Games night
  • Live animal show (this was super cool – I held a snake, it was amazing)
  • Swimming (but extra fun – they usually have a big it’s a knock out style inflatable down the middle of the pool, whoever stays on the longest is a legend… we all fell off in the first 3 steps)
  • Bongo’s bingo (riotous – don’t forget to sing along)
  • Camp’s got talent (defo got bags of talent – get amongst it)
  • Disco where you can strut your stuff
  • Treasure hunt
  • Camp fest (this is really cool – you get to try loads of different activities on a rotation)

Got loads of energy left?

And if you’re STILL not worn out by all the crazy activities, there’s usually someone willing to play footy or any other games you might want to play… and there’s always pens and paper and your camp passport to doodle in if you fancy being creative.

There’s never a dull moment at camp, and there’s always something to do. But if you find yourself having a quiet momemt, there’s lots of other kids and grown ups to chat to, and before you know it they’ll be ringing to bell for dinner time or your village leader will be saying its time to get on the bus for the next adventure.  

Where will I be sleeping?

Whilst you’re away on camp you’ll be split into villages of about 15 kids and a few helpers. Each village has big blue tents for you guys to sleep in with your fellow villagers (between 4 and 8 in each tent). There are separate tents for boys and girls (phew) and there won’t be any adults in there to cramp your style. We ask you to bring your own sleeping bag and pillow so it smells of home (don’t worry, your grown up knows and will make sure you have one) – and don’t forget to bring ted!


Also in your village will be the tents of the adult helpers. We promise that they’re all very cool and kind people and they’re there to be your mate and help you have the best time possible. There are lots of tents at camp, but being in villages helps you remember where your tent is, and there’s always someone around to point you in the right direction if you get a bit discombobulated.

Plus, each village wears a different coloured cap, so if you get a bit lost you’ve only got to look around for heads the same colour as yours and you’ll find your tribe.

There are lots of lights around camp, so even in the dark you’ll be able to able to see where you’re going (like midnight runs to the loos – I don’t know about you but I always need a wee just as I’m falling asleep) but if you want to be super cool then you could get yourself a head torch too (* disclaimer, might not actually make you look super cool, might make you look more like a minion but I bet you everyone will want to borrow it).

And if there’s a problem? Well there are always people available to help. Your village helpers sleep in their own tents right next door to you and are always available, day or night, no matter what. And if there’s anything we need to know about your night time routine, your parent/ carer will let your school rep know.

What will we have to eat?

On camp, we eat like kings! Freshly prepared every day by our wonderful kitchen elves, I bet you’ll be running to the marquee when you hear that gong to see what we’re being treated to next. That’s right – we have a big gong and when you hear it ring it means grubs up and you should head to the table, so you’ll never ever miss a meal. We all eat together at camp in a huge white marquee, and you’ll sit with your village so you always have a friendly face to eat with and you’ll never be alone for meal times. And when we’ve finished, we all muck in to clear up so we can get onto the next activity as fast as possible – the village that sings the loudest whilst we clear up, wins!

Just like a hotel we always have a cold option… like cereals and juice… and hot options like sausage or egg or beans on toast with a brew…. so however you like your breakfast, there’ll defo be something to fill your tum before a day of adventure.

Most days this will be a packed lunch “on the hoof” so that we don’t have to stop the fun and trek back to camp to be fed and can maximise our time exploring. Think sandwiches (with a choice of fillings- no one’s going to force you to eat a sweaty cheese butty if you hate cheese), crisps, fruit, biscuits and juice. Don’t forget to try the camp special: hedgehog and squirrel surprise, if you’re brave enough (doesn’t contain actual hedgehog… probably)


Whilst we’re off exploring, the kitchen elves stay behind at camp working their little socks off to get everything prepared so that they can give us a delicious hot dinner (because living on butties and cold beans would make us a bit sad)- thanks elves! The menu is always a bit different (gotta love a surprise) but some examples might be things like sausage and mash, curry (don’t panic, its not very spicy) and rice, pasta bake, fish fingers, pizza, burgers, chicken and vegetables etc.

And if you don’t happen to like what’s on the menu that night? Don’t just sit there without any tea! Let a grown up from your village know and they’ll always be able to find something else for you – you can’t go exploring with an empty tum, that would defo hinder the fun. If you have a special diet, such as being vegetarian, vegan, halal, or any allergies, do not panic – your grown up will have told the rep from your school and there’ll ALWAYS be something for you to eat, we promise.

Are the helpers nice? Like, are they legends or bad cranks?

All the grown ups that come to camp, are there because they love camping and they love hanging out with us and they want to have a great time camping just like we do… so EVERYONE is super friendly and will always be happy to talk to you and get to know you… no cranks allowed! They’re a super fun awesome bunch – imagine the minions injected with a load of sugar, dressed up like they should be at a festival: super silly and always up for a laugh. The helpers on camp are there to make sure that every single child is having the most fun and exciting holiday, that we’re always happy, well fed, doing a brilliant activity, going on an awesome trip and making lots of amazing new friends. They have lots of different jobs – after all we’re all good at different things, like… looking after us kids, cooking, organising activities (usually something they’re good at too so they can help), looking after anyone who needs a bit more TLC, or dressing up for our entertainment… they’re a pretty awesome bunch.


Each village has a head helper who’s like the chief and does the shouting to get us moving when it’s time to head to the bus for the next adventure. They always know what’s going on so they’re a good person to be mates with. Alongside the head of each village, there’ll be other helpers (some of who bring their own kids, who are super cute) staying in your village too who are just there to… help! If you have any questions or worries or just fancy a chat, you can always talk to any of them who are hanging out outside their tents. At camp, everyone wants you to have a great time and they’ll all do whatever they can to make sure that happens.